Here at 20/20 Window Cleaning Teesside, we want to change the way people find, enquire, book & pay for their local window cleaning service. We want to bring window cleaning into the 21st century, using technology to our advantage both in the systems, management and the physical cleaning equipment. However, one technique we often see other window cleaners using to grow their own business is buying window cleaning rounds and customers from other window cleaners. You can find any amounts of ‘Window Cleaning Rounds For Sale’ adverts on Gumtree, Facebook Marketplace & a quick online search. This is something we have never done, never will and here is why.
We pride ourselves on our reputation, our custom loyalty and grow our business heavily based on customer referrals. We believe it is key build that friendship with our customers, for the personal approach and importantly the ‘name to a face’ is vital. Buying a window cleaning round, takes the personal touch out of what we do, why we do it and what our ethos as a business is.
But why would someone sell a window cleaning round?
There a many reasons someone would sell their window cleaning round; sometimes people retire, move into other industries, jobs or just want to get out for a change. However, buying an existing window cleaning round isn’t what we want to do as a business and this is why. If the ‘old’ or ‘selling’ widow cleaner using traditional or reach and wash, and the ‘new’ or ‘buying’ cleaner uses the other method – it is a change for the customer, and they may not have initially signed up for the ‘old’ cleaner if they did use the other method. This could cause an initial ‘drop off’ of customers which the ‘new’ cleaner has already paid money for. Furthermore, there are sometimes ‘negative’ reasons someone is selling their round, such as poor payers. As well as sometimes, people fake customers to sell a bigger round, or say they charge more than they do actually charge to sell the round for a higher price. To us, it’s all just risky, messy & there are too many questions surrounding buying window cleaning rounds. We would rather grow slowly, build an honest, reliable customer base; which allows us to then employ more local people.
We are building a long lasting business to service our local community, employ local people and provide honest incomes for our employees – buying and selling window cleaning rounds may earn you a quick buck, but that’s against our ethos as a business.
Window Cleaning Rounds For Sale – would we recommend it?
Short answer, no. If you want to start out in window cleaning, we highly recommend against buying a window cleaning round. So unfortunately, if your looking for North East Window Cleaning Rounds For Sale, we can’t help you and wouldn’t recommend it, sorry.
To find out more about what services we offer, please visit our services page or alternatively, drop us a message on our Facebook page for any more information.